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September 1, 2021
Great Article 👍
Cecelia E.
August 24, 2020
I'm currently in South India. Mango season has come and gone. But I am seeing a lot of papayas in the market. Seeing as papaya is a relatively soft fruit, softer than even strawberries, how would I go about using it for a compote? Should I get papaya that isn't so ripe? Or go 'balls to the walls' ripe? The flavorings are equally as perplexing, as there's soooo many fresh spices, herbs and such to play with here.
Help!!! I'm falling down the rabbit hole of compote possibilities!!!!....
Help!!! I'm falling down the rabbit hole of compote possibilities!!!!....
August 23, 2020
Oh please stop adding all these different ingredients. Just chop and cook the fruit. You don't need sugar and other spices, herbs whatever and most of all NO thickening. Just the fruit.
March 15, 2025
Oh please stop telling us how we should make our OWN food. No one is coming into your home and forcing white sugar or corn syrup down your throat, so stop trying to force your preferences on everyone else. I have NEVER in all my 62 years found a pint of strawberries that was even remotely sweet and didn't require sweetening. Idk where you get your strawberries, but most of us have to buy them in our local grocery stores, where they're usually quite tart. If you're lucky enough to be able to find them produced locally you may be privileged to obtain perfectly sweet strawberries, but for the rest of the world, we find a mix of a few slightly-sweet strawberries amidst a container of tart, sour ones. And some of us can't afford to get organic free-range strawberries at our local boutique farmer's markets or at our local Whole Foods; we *have* to shop at Walmart, and we *have* to purchase what they sell.
But now that I live in a rural farming community, several times I have been given multiple flats of premium strawberries because they were going bad. And guess what: most of the ones that were still good were tart. So I can just imagine the price one would pay to buy a pint of strawberries that was sweet enough to make compote or jam. Because FYI compotes, jams, jellies, and preserves are all INTENDED to be very sweet. That's how they're made! But if you prefer sour, tart compote made with sour, tart, not-remotely-sweet fruit, more power to ya! No one is stopping you from eating sour things because you can't stand even natural sweeteners like honey, agave, or stevia leaves. But that's no reason to try and force your strange tastes on everyone else. 🙄
But now that I live in a rural farming community, several times I have been given multiple flats of premium strawberries because they were going bad. And guess what: most of the ones that were still good were tart. So I can just imagine the price one would pay to buy a pint of strawberries that was sweet enough to make compote or jam. Because FYI compotes, jams, jellies, and preserves are all INTENDED to be very sweet. That's how they're made! But if you prefer sour, tart compote made with sour, tart, not-remotely-sweet fruit, more power to ya! No one is stopping you from eating sour things because you can't stand even natural sweeteners like honey, agave, or stevia leaves. But that's no reason to try and force your strange tastes on everyone else. 🙄
Bert G.
August 23, 2020
As a Peace Corps Volunteer in Togo during mango season, I would make make mango compote and add a bit of fresh palm wine for extra flavor.
I used it on everything, goat, grilled agouti, but especially black eyed pea fritters.
I had a little kerosene fridge for storage.
Time to make more. Thanks for the great article.
I used it on everything, goat, grilled agouti, but especially black eyed pea fritters.
I had a little kerosene fridge for storage.
Time to make more. Thanks for the great article.
Cecelia E.
August 24, 2020
I'm currently in South India, mango season had passed, but I'm totally with you on a mango compote. Here it might be seasoned with cardamom and ginger for a spicy kick. Oh the things I could do with a mango compote...🙄❤️
August 21, 2020
Hello/bonjour as they say where I live.
May I start by thanking all those bloggers/writers/commentators world-wide who kindly and informatively share their knowledge, experience and ideas? I'm sure there are many (older) folks like me who come home after doing a weekly shop, put everything away and then think; "well what can I make, that's new?" and so we go to the internet for inspiration, but sometimes forget to say thank you.
I'd like to offer an observation and pose a question, or two. Many retired people live in small appartements, with at best a medium-size fridge that has only a small freezer compartment. Our budgets are limited, and I suspect our motivation to "create" a good/healthy meal each day is too. For my own part, whenever I cook I make two helpings. If something turns-out really good, I may eat the same main meal the next day, otherwise I freeze the second portion to eat (enjoy?!) a few days later.
It's mid summer and fruits here are fresh direct from the local farms. And cheap.
My question is, what do people think about making compote and how well it can be frozen and stored in freezer bags? For how long? Can the bags (they're plastic, ugh!) be re-used perhaps by washing and then blasting in a microwave? Bags are cheap to buy, I don't have lots of space to store jars/tupperware/plastic containers, and I can freeze a helping or two quite flat, so can get quite a lot in my small freezer compartment.
Thanks everyone; don't forget there's an elderly lady or gentleman near to where you live, if you're cooking for the family, an extra portion costs only a few extra pennies to share. Then again, I'm English and I live in France, I do know it's not easy to have elderly neighbors want to eat what I cook!!
May I start by thanking all those bloggers/writers/commentators world-wide who kindly and informatively share their knowledge, experience and ideas? I'm sure there are many (older) folks like me who come home after doing a weekly shop, put everything away and then think; "well what can I make, that's new?" and so we go to the internet for inspiration, but sometimes forget to say thank you.
I'd like to offer an observation and pose a question, or two. Many retired people live in small appartements, with at best a medium-size fridge that has only a small freezer compartment. Our budgets are limited, and I suspect our motivation to "create" a good/healthy meal each day is too. For my own part, whenever I cook I make two helpings. If something turns-out really good, I may eat the same main meal the next day, otherwise I freeze the second portion to eat (enjoy?!) a few days later.
It's mid summer and fruits here are fresh direct from the local farms. And cheap.
My question is, what do people think about making compote and how well it can be frozen and stored in freezer bags? For how long? Can the bags (they're plastic, ugh!) be re-used perhaps by washing and then blasting in a microwave? Bags are cheap to buy, I don't have lots of space to store jars/tupperware/plastic containers, and I can freeze a helping or two quite flat, so can get quite a lot in my small freezer compartment.
Thanks everyone; don't forget there's an elderly lady or gentleman near to where you live, if you're cooking for the family, an extra portion costs only a few extra pennies to share. Then again, I'm English and I live in France, I do know it's not easy to have elderly neighbors want to eat what I cook!!
August 23, 2020
You can most certainly freeze the compote with good success When you’re ready to use it, I’d just pop it in the fridge to thaw overnight.
My grandmother reuses her plastic bags. She washes them with soap and water and turns them inside out to dry. She uses them for the same reasons you mentioned — storage and freezer space.
I tend to share jams and breads or sweets I make, as I suspect most older people locally would not enjoy the foods I make. I tend to cook vegetarian foods from my travels and even just hummus or spanakopita is strange to older, rural dwellers in parts of the USA. There are many exceptions of course, and I quite enjoy alternating the preparation of meals with those who have well traveled pallets. (I don’t say this with snobbery; I grew up in a small mountain town and am most grateful I’ve had the opportunity to go to school in England and travel an live in many countries around the globe. I know it’s a luxury.)
I hope you enjoy some delicious freezer-compote!
My grandmother reuses her plastic bags. She washes them with soap and water and turns them inside out to dry. She uses them for the same reasons you mentioned — storage and freezer space.
I tend to share jams and breads or sweets I make, as I suspect most older people locally would not enjoy the foods I make. I tend to cook vegetarian foods from my travels and even just hummus or spanakopita is strange to older, rural dwellers in parts of the USA. There are many exceptions of course, and I quite enjoy alternating the preparation of meals with those who have well traveled pallets. (I don’t say this with snobbery; I grew up in a small mountain town and am most grateful I’ve had the opportunity to go to school in England and travel an live in many countries around the globe. I know it’s a luxury.)
I hope you enjoy some delicious freezer-compote!
HeatherAnn M.
March 14, 2017
here is a great Fruit compote i have found. its already canned and there are no preservatives save the lemon juice ! i ate one and its soooo good. I've never eaten with Challah bread and now i really want to!
here is a great Fruit compote i have found. its already canned and there are no preservatives save the lemon juice ! i ate one and its soooo good. I've never eaten with Challah bread and now i really want to!
Brenda R.
August 6, 2015
Can the compote be frozen??
Teresa S.
August 7, 2015
I would think there would be no problem freezing this just like freezing any other fruit, especially since it's cooked down.
August 16, 2020
It can most definitely be frozen. We make a big batch of strawberry rhubarb compote from a recipe I found on Food52 1 million years ago unfreeze multiple pints of it and use it throughout the year. Heavenly.
Teresa S.
July 3, 2015
What about black raspberries....I'm wondering about the seeds. Any good way to get them out? Not necessarily all, but the majority?
Kristen K.
July 4, 2014
I'm going to make a blueberry compote. Can anyone recommend quantities of add ins? Thinking vanilla bean, maple syrup and maybe some lemon rind?
July 4, 2014
I find that lemon zest can overwhelm blueberries. (I have seventeen prolific blueberry bushes, so I do a lot with blueberries.) A touch maybe. Lots and lots? I recommend restraint. Not sure about the maple syrup. Blueberries really don't need much sweetener. If I were making a compote, I'd use, per pint of berries, 2 tablespoons at most of raw sugar + bay leaf + vanilla bean. People think of bay leaves as savory, but they really are a cross-over herb. I make a bay + vanilla ice cream swirled with bay-scented blueberry sauce, the recipe for which I posted here on Food52. So tasty. ;o) P.S. It may be too late, depending on where you are, but blueberries + cherries makes a dynamite compote. I'd go vanilla, solo.
August 20, 2020
I add a tiny amount of lemon zest and a sprig of rosemary. No sweetener required unless you like sweets. Tastes fabulous on vanilla yogurt or icecream
August 23, 2020
Just cook the fruit with a couple of tablespoons of water. You don't need to complicate it.
July 2, 2014
Someone asked a question about this post on the Hotline, wanting to know whether the compote could be canned. A Food52 staff member responded that it can, and provided a link to the hot water bath processing instructions in another post. I'm intrigued by the response, in light of the standard cautions -- which the author of this post implicitly embraces -- that one must have a certain balance of acidity and sugar in order to ensure a safe, shelf-stable product. Obviously, a not-recipe, little of this, little of that approach is not consistent with that conventional wisdom. What do you think? (I'm going to raise this with MrsWheelbarrow, too, on her equipment/shopping checklist post that appeared on the site today.) ;o) Here is the link to the hotline question: https://food52.com/hotline/25205-what-process-would-be-best-for-canning-the-fruit-compote-recipe-you-ve-posted
June 23, 2014
I made a gluten-free cheesecake with gingersnap crust and made a spiced peach compote, lightly sweetened with coconut sugar, to go on top. The fresh brightness of the peach mingled with a touch of orange and a teensy pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves was outrageous against the rich, fluffy creaminess of the cake. I didn't use a recipe either - it's one the easiest things to do by taste! I cooked it down really far too, I wanted it to be slightly chunky and sticky syrupy. I was NOT disappointed! I am currently drooling over the image of strawberry compote over golden challah. I mean, it's almost physically painful to look and not eat. Gluten-free challah seems like a mighty task, but one I may have to get up the courage to tackle. Just so I can slather it with strawberry compote! Ooh, or make french toast with it, THEN the compote. OHMYGOSH. I better stop.
Cecelia E.
August 24, 2020
Now, you wanna take this to the NEXT LEVEL???...
Try a sweet potato (my personal favorite) or pumpkin (I detest pumpkin pie and the like) with the same gingersnap crust, topped with the peach compote. Hunny, you will name your next child after me for this, I promise you.
The. Best. Period.
Try a sweet potato (my personal favorite) or pumpkin (I detest pumpkin pie and the like) with the same gingersnap crust, topped with the peach compote. Hunny, you will name your next child after me for this, I promise you.
The. Best. Period.
June 23, 2014
can you use frozen fruit? I shop the Farmer's Market and always buy too much so I have lots of berries, cherries and figs inmy freezer.
June 23, 2014
I have! Just don't defrost the fruit first. When I've used frozen sliced peaches they worked much better still frozen. I dumped the fruit, no extras, into my saucepan, cover it and cook it on low. Once it's defrosted, follow the rest of the instructions on adding ingredients, cooking down, etc.
June 16, 2014
Would Merrill's tip to add a knob of butter be appropriate?
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