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August 25, 2014
link for slow cooked green beans is incorrect.
Alexandra S.
August 26, 2014
Thanks for pointing this out! We'll try to fix the link soon. In the mean time, here is the correct link: https://food52.com/recipes/18351-middle-eastern-slow-cooked-green-beans
August 25, 2014
Alexandra, It is from Jamie At Home, and now that I look it up, it is actually 'grilled butterflied monkfish with a sweet runner bean stew'. I remember now that my attempt at the butterflied technique he suggests failed miserably but the beans have become a kind of obsession.
Alexandra S.
August 26, 2014
Thank you! I don't have Jamie at Home, but I often admire it when I'm at bookstores — love that pretty cover. I might have to add that one to the collection. I've loved so many of his recipes most notably his smashed veg that appeared in the genius recipes column with the braised lamb shoulder. So good: https://food52.com/recipes/21475-jamie-oliver-s-roasted-shoulder-of-lamb-with-smashed-vegetables-and-greens
August 27, 2014
Alexandra, the Jamie at Home book is particularly useful for people who grow their own vegetables and fruit at home - he has ideas when you have used up all of yours. The other one that saves me from gluts and the 'oh not jerusalem artichokes again' feeling is Nigel Slater's Tender Part 1 which covers all the common and even not so common vegetables that we can grow this side of the pond. Most are simple but genius.
Alexandra S.
August 27, 2014
You know, I do not own a single Nigel Slater book, and I think I need to do something about that — I've made several of recipes that have been posted on this site in various places, and they never disappoint. My cookbook wishlist is growing...
August 27, 2014
He is different from most cookbook writers, he is really a home cook, not a chef or professional cook. So he appeals to keen home cooks like me who don't have catering style hot grills or a million different gadgets with somebody to wash up after me. Some of his dishes are so simple I wonder how I hadn't thought of it. His thinking is so wonderfully sensual about food. Instinctual.
August 24, 2014
Great ideas - thank you.
This year I do not have a glut - very sad, I enjoy the challenge of eating green beans every day differently. Jamie Oliver does a style that I found very useful and often make in big batches and freeze in portions. It is based on garlic, chilli peppers anchovies and lots of tomatoes (the other glut). Then throw in the beans, and stew. Much as I love my beans al dente, I have to admit that the bean flavour comes through when they are stewed for at least 25 minutes. End of season tough beans also do well this way. Jamie uses this bean dish under a freshly seared piece of cod. It is wonderful! and it works with chicken really well too. It works on a slice of polenta. It works in a bowl with curls of Parmesan.
This year I do not have a glut - very sad, I enjoy the challenge of eating green beans every day differently. Jamie Oliver does a style that I found very useful and often make in big batches and freeze in portions. It is based on garlic, chilli peppers anchovies and lots of tomatoes (the other glut). Then throw in the beans, and stew. Much as I love my beans al dente, I have to admit that the bean flavour comes through when they are stewed for at least 25 minutes. End of season tough beans also do well this way. Jamie uses this bean dish under a freshly seared piece of cod. It is wonderful! and it works with chicken really well too. It works on a slice of polenta. It works in a bowl with curls of Parmesan.
Alexandra S.
August 25, 2014
Oh, that sounds so good! I love the garlic-chili pepper-anchovy trio, and I imagine that combo would add a lot of flavor to stewed beans. And I couldn't agree more re long-cooked beans versus al dente — they really have so much flavor, and they don't taste at all mushy. I tend to undercook beans all the time, because I love when they taste crisp and fresh and squeak when I bite into them, but I have become a long-cooked bean convert. I just looked online to find that recipe but I can't – is it in one of his books? I'd love to include the recipe here for others who are interested. Thanks so much!
August 23, 2014
To answer your question about how I dry green beans - snap (or not), blanch, toss with coarse salt (optional), and spread on dehydrator trays. I have an American Harvester dehydrator and I'll pretty much try drying anything. As soon as the tomatoes currently in it are done, I'm going to try my hand at home-produced Chipoltes - smoking then drying jalapeños. I'll do the smoking on the grill then finish the peppers in the dehydrator.
Alexandra S.
August 24, 2014
oh no, do I need to buy a dehydrator? I think I do. I made cabbage chips earlier this summer, and they were so good, but they needed to be eaten almost immediately — after a few hours, they turned totally soggy. Does a dehydrator prevent this a bit? It's been on my to-buy list for awhile now...thinking it's time.
August 23, 2014
I've been waiting for this column! My beans are going gangbusters. I've frozen many pounds, turned more into dilly beans, dried some for snacking, and last night (ironically before I read this column) made beans Jaffrey's way. Today I have to return to the garden to pick more. Thank goodness for fresh ideas, as well as for a friend who will take as many beans as I give her and for two horses who think I let the bean vines drape over the pasture fence just for their dining benefit. The latter is probably one of the more unorthodox ways of dealing with a surplus of beans. :-)
Alexandra S.
August 23, 2014
Haha, I love it. Yes, what lucky horses?! So funny you made Jaffrey beans, too. I've been on a big Indian kick recently, and her book has been such a treasure. Questions: how do you freeze your beans? Blanch first? I always forget to add this detail to the post bc I am not the best freezer, but I need to get better. Also, how do you dry your beans? That sounds like fun :)
August 23, 2014
One of my favorite Jaffrey cookbooks is her World Vegetarian. It is a godsend for those of us with big gardens. She provides dozens of recipes from around the world for each of many (many!) vegetables. With that book in hand, repetition is a choice, not a necessity. :-)
I blanch snapped green beans for 3 minutes for freezing and for drying. Different vegetables require different amounts of blanching time, but the general rule of thumb is if you blanch to freeze, you want to blanch to dry. Otherwise all your hard work will yield are inedible pieces of shoe leather. Most university extension services provide freezing/blanching information, but my favorite is the University of Georgia: http://nchfp.uga.edu/how/freeze.html
Today, my gardening buddy and I picked 6+ pounds of beans, turned 2/3rds into dilly beans, then the rest went home with my friend. Thank god. I need a few days respite from beans! Hahahaha! But tomorrow I'll wash and freeze the chard I also harvested this morning -saving out just enough to make that lovely chard and ricotta tart. Mmmmmmm. (I'd make it today, but I am 'Kitchened out.')
I blanch snapped green beans for 3 minutes for freezing and for drying. Different vegetables require different amounts of blanching time, but the general rule of thumb is if you blanch to freeze, you want to blanch to dry. Otherwise all your hard work will yield are inedible pieces of shoe leather. Most university extension services provide freezing/blanching information, but my favorite is the University of Georgia: http://nchfp.uga.edu/how/freeze.html
Today, my gardening buddy and I picked 6+ pounds of beans, turned 2/3rds into dilly beans, then the rest went home with my friend. Thank god. I need a few days respite from beans! Hahahaha! But tomorrow I'll wash and freeze the chard I also harvested this morning -saving out just enough to make that lovely chard and ricotta tart. Mmmmmmm. (I'd make it today, but I am 'Kitchened out.')
Alexandra S.
August 24, 2014
So many great tips here! Thank you. I have been buying so many more vegetarian cookbooks in recent years because I find I can never have enough vegetable inspiration this time of year. World Vegetarian sounds like a must-add to the collection. Thank you for the great tip re the Univeristy of Georgia extension program. Enjoy your break from the kitchen!
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