As a baker (and a baking instructor), I could talk about gluten all day. But while gluten may be fun for some of us, many people live with some form of gluten allergy or intolerance and may even need to cut out grains containing gluten altogether (we're looking at you, wheat, barley, and rye).
The prospect of baking without "normal" flour might be nervous-making, but time and again, the Food52 community has debunked the stereotype of dry, mealy, or unappetizing gluten-free baked goods. Make any one of these 15 delicious gluten-free baked treats, from pies and cakes to cookies, and soon you'll be saying, "Gluten who?"
It's always pie (and clafoutis, and buckle) season:
Ginger-Apple Crumble Pie (Gluten and Dairy-Free) by Lindsey S. Love | Dolly and Oatmeal

Grain-Free Boysenberry Peach Pie by glutenfreegirl

Shoofly Pie by thirschfeld

More: Advice on how to make the best gluten-free cookies, amazing gluten-free cakes, and a phenomenal gluten- (and dairy-) free pie crust.
Brown Butter and Apple Clafoutis by Amanda Hesser

Gluten-Free Peach Brown Butter Buckle by glutenfreegirl

C is for (GF-free) cookies:
Spiced Chocolate Cookies by Hillary Pollak

Meyer Lemon Macarons by DolcettoConfections

Soft Batch Pumpkin Spice Cookies by Ashley McLaughlin

Buckwheat Thumbprint Cookies with Cherry Preserves by Alice Medrich

Divine Gluten-Free Chocolate Cookies by Jestei

A piece of cake:
Gluten-Free Coconut Squash Cake by glutenfreegirl

Rosemary Pear Cake by Hillary Pollak

Walnut Sponge Cake by Alice Medrich

Matcha & Coconut Mochi Cake by Kendra Vaculin

Almond Butter Honey Cake by glutenfreegirl

What are your best tips and techniques for baking gluten-free? Tell us in the comments!
See what other Food52 readers are saying.