A question about Big Zombie Goes Butternuts from Pierino: Baptizing the virgine tagine? Its terra cotta. Gas burner? Flame Tamer OK?
I have a question about the recipe "Big Zombie Goes Butternuts" from pierino.
Recipe question for:
Big Zombie Goes Butternuts
pierinoJanuary 8, 2012
You are welcome. You probably won't have to soak the base every time you use it but it's not a bad thing to do the first time. The reason is that when earthenware pieces are made they are fired at very high temperatures which makes them subject to cracking if you put them directly on a high flame. Although I've accumulated quite a few pieces over 25 years or so I've never had one break. Good luck.
pierinoJanuary 8, 2012
I would use a flame tamer. And bring it up to heat on a low flame slowly. You can also soak the base in the sink for an hour ahead. Earthenware can be tempermental but when you get the hang of it you will love it.
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