General Discussion
Advice, Questions, and Discussions about General Discussion
What is an easy area in the kitchen to store a kitchen scissors and poultry shears? Thank you.
Store time in fridge for salads
When do you usually cook your nails are painted or not? Thanks.
Why Can't You Eat (Freshened) Dried Porcinis Raw?
Shipping provider& lids for milo cast iron
Could you help fill out a survey for this new cooking project I'm working on?
Cream cheese in soup?! Yuck. What to sub?
I can't seem to find any current info on the food blog Fiveandspice. Last post was 2014. Anyone know her status?
Taste the expression of a young boy eating his first icecream
How can I organize the pantry in my new house most efficiently? I have 28 linear meters (90 ft) of shelves that are 38cm/15" high x 38cm/15" deep.
My coworker makes a somewhat fudgy and grainy chocolate sauce (when refrigerated) - how can I replicate? She won't share the family recipe!
The Sale of Food52 to the Chernin Group
can you drain bacon on the unpaper towels?
Can anyone tell me where to buy squash blossoms. I am living in The Netherlands....
How often do you detox your kitchen? Thank you.
What do you think about a seasonal food skin care product(organic pumpkin face soap bar) ? Is it good or bad? Thank you.
Where do you usually store a walnuts in a shell? Thank you.
How long do you keep your grains and flours? And at what point do you toss them and start over?
How to boost flavor of low-sugar chutney?
If an onion DOES NOT make you cry does that mean it's not fresh?
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