For our Vegetarian Thanksgiving series, the Food52 community have reinvented sweet potatoes, offering...
"We asked Amanda Hesser to share some of her favorites from 'The Food52 Cookbook' and she's provided...
A&M's "Essential New York Times Cookbook" wins a James Beard Award!
Amanda sits down with Grant Achatz, covered by
"Amanda Hesser spoke to Gourmet Live about her various projects, the most underrated ingredient...
"Send your question to foodpickle and you'll get an almost immediate response from a user, usually...
Amanda and Martha make David Eyre's Pancake.
"Hesser put out a call to readers asking for their most-loved Times recipes. 6,000 readers replied...
Amanda Hesser, prolific food writer for The New York Times, sits down with Evan Smith to discuss food52...
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