"If you were to put Game Changer Amanda Hesser’s life on a timeline, you would notice that food, specifically...
What's a Wobble Bowl? Aside from being fun to say, these nifty, all-purpose, brightly colored bowls...
"It takes vision to realize you have something valuable, and that’s exactly what Co-Founders Amanda...
Today: The fantastic nonprofit Share Our Strength, whose documentary Hunger Hits Home premieres on...
We're celebrating the artisans, writers, makers, and more who make up the diverse and inspiring world...
That’s by the home cook…a result of a year’s worth of recipes from home cooks who sent them into the...
"We amalgamated 195 Best Cookbooks of 2011 lists from around the world to come up with the definitive...
After sifting through the new releases and cooking from them, we've come up with 10 books that we...
"FOOD52 gives you 75 amazing recipes from home cooks, 100 minutes of video tutorials and even an event...
The pair [Amanda & Merrill] put together a digital cookbook in a matter of months called the Food52...
For our Vegetarian Thanksgiving series, the Food52 community have reinvented sweet potatoes, offering...
"We asked Amanda Hesser to share some of her favorites from 'The Food52 Cookbook' and she's provided...
A&M's "Essential New York Times Cookbook" wins a James Beard Award!
Amanda sits down with Grant Achatz, covered by Eater.com.
Showing 14 of 649 results