Join The Sandwich Universe co-hosts (and longtime BFFs) Molly Baz and Declan Bond as they dive deep into beloved, iconic sandwiches.
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Guillermo F.
May 28, 2019
Incredibly, the writer of the article left out the only food that according to Buckingham Palace, should ONLY be eaten with your hands. If you use a fork, to hold it, then cut it with a knife to obtain a piece of it and then use the fork to take that piece to your mouth, no matter how gently,. you will not ever be invited to dine there again The name of that vegetable is asparagus. Incidentally, let us remember that sayings like "bon appetit", or "enjoy your meal", while served at a home, are no longer used. The only people who use them, nowadays, are Chefs, say, when out of the kitchen and in front of a table. That is still done. Of course,if you have a Chef doing this at your home, he or she is perfectly entitled to say it, but not the host, or hostess. "Please, let us start" is what is now used. If a guest says "Bon appetit" , or whatever, after you said "Please let us start" just let him or her get out of that one, on their own....
August 1, 2017
Love the theme. I inherited a beautiful dining table but love eating curled up in a comfy chair with a book!
Guillermo F.
May 28, 2019
Incredibly, the writer of the article left out the only food that according to Buckingham Palace, should ONLY be eaten with your hands. If you use a fork, to hold it, then cut it with a knife, to obtain a piece of it and then use the fork to take that piece to your mouth, no matter how gently,. you will not ever be invited to dine there again The name of that vegetable is asparagus. Incidetally, let us remember that saying like bon appetit, or wnjoy your meail, while served at a home, are no longer used. The onky people who use them,
nowadays, ate Chefs, when out of the kitchen and in front os a table.That is still done.Of cpurse,if you have a Chef dping this at your home, he is perfectly entitled tpo say it, but no the host,or hostess. "Please, let us start" is what is now used. If a guest says Bon appetit, or whatever, just let him or her get out of that one, on their own.
nowadays, ate Chefs, when out of the kitchen and in front os a table.That is still done.Of cpurse,if you have a Chef dping this at your home, he is perfectly entitled tpo say it, but no the host,or hostess. "Please, let us start" is what is now used. If a guest says Bon appetit, or whatever, just let him or her get out of that one, on their own.
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