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June 29, 2013
Love this article and love avocados so much I created a Facebook page in honor of my favorite berry. You are all welcome :). ~ I love avocados
Michael P.
June 28, 2013
They are awesome for everything with one exception. Never ever let your pet Parrot have a taste. Oddly enough, Avocado's are very toxic to parrots. Live and learn eh?
June 28, 2013
Avocados mashed with milk and a little sugar is one of the best 'desserts' around.
Side note: one of the saddests things that I've ever seen was the destruction of an avocado tree. Someone had bought the house next to my apartment. The new owners leveled the house and chopped down the avocado tree to build a tacky McMansion with barely a patio, that just seemed out of place in the neighborhood.
Side note: one of the saddests things that I've ever seen was the destruction of an avocado tree. Someone had bought the house next to my apartment. The new owners leveled the house and chopped down the avocado tree to build a tacky McMansion with barely a patio, that just seemed out of place in the neighborhood.
Marian B.
June 27, 2013
I can now confidently say that berries are my favorite fruit. Thanks for this great information, Lindsay-Jean!
June 27, 2013
The avocado tacos sound amazing. I never fry things but I may have to break my own rule. Yummy.
June 27, 2013
Apropos of avocados in desserts, check out the raw vegan brownie recipe on this site. The frosting is made with avocado and cocoa powder. Excellent recipe.
June 27, 2013
I love avocados too, but what is this article doing on a page called local healthy sustainability? They are grown only in CA and FL in the states in any quantity, so for the other 48 states they would be neither local or sustainable.
June 27, 2013
Uh, isn't butter nature's butter? Maybe "the butter of the vegetable world" is more apt.
June 27, 2013
You can't pick butter off a tree, it has to be made by man. Plus an avocado is a fruit not a vegetable, if you actually read the article you would have noticed that. Nice try though.
Becca @.
June 27, 2013
I can't get enough of avocados these days. They seem to taste even more decadent than butter, even though they're far healthier. I use them on sandwiches and grilled cheese instead of butter, like this: http://www.amuse-your-bouche.com/brie-and-avocado-toasts/
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