
6 Fast & Fresh Meal Ideas We're Pinning for Weekday Ease

September 17, 2018

It's Monday again, and if you didn't have a chance to get ahead on your grocery shopping over the weekend, you might be ruminating on what your food plan will look like this week (sad but still-sturdy zucchini, we've got plans for you).

Right here's a great place to start (why, hello there!), and we also love scouring the 'net to see what everyone's excited about. We took a page from Pinterest's top-searched healthful meal ideas from last month and paired them with some of our most popular recipes—think of this as a helpful one-stop shopping guide at its best.

Zucchini Recipes

Have a bumper crop of zucchini on your hands? Look no further:

Salmon Recipes

Cooked, raw, or smoked—we love salmon every which way:

School Lunch Ideas

We're fully back-to-school (and back-to-work), and always looking for new ways to spin old favorites:

Vegan Recipes

Whether you follow a vegan lifestyle or are looking for dishes to whip up for someone who does, start with some of our all-stars:

Meal Prep Ideas

Going in with a plan, no matter how ambitious (or not), is always a good idea:

Inexpensive Meals

Maintaining a food budget is a very real thing. Here are some of our favorite ways to keep meals affordable, delicious, and healthful all at once:

Your New Go-To Lunch Plan

What dishes are you cooking a lot of these days? Let us know below!

See what other Food52 readers are saying.

Hana is a food writer/editor based in New York.