Christmas. Hanukkah.Two December holidayswith very good food.
holiday party:it's supposed to be fun, right?then what are these tears?
cookie cookie what cookie cookie cookie yeah call me da monster
oh, the holidaysa time for fruitcake, and forfull nervous breakdowns
You give your lives sothat we can all stuff ourselves.Thank you, oh turkey.
moms love tuna fish and dried cranberries. but we love them anyway.
food is so boringlet's just talk about sweatersand feel so cozy
"I'm cravin' for you, I'm missing you like candy" Mandy Moore once sang
We wanted to writepizza sonnets and odes, buthaikus were simpler.
sweet, sweet brown liquor:before the hangover comes,our poetry flows.
Pastries are our friends;we wrote some haiku on them, and want to hear yours.
Summer's heat is gone. Now it's time to start whiningAbout being cold.
Without its powerWe would all walk like zombies,Thirsty for caffeine.
We wrote a couplehaiku about apples; nowwe want to hear yours.
Showing 14 of 74 results