Recipe Ideas
Advice, Questions, and Discussions about Recipe Ideas
Looking for a recipe that use hard boiled eggs?
For the first time all season, I did not sell out of bread at the Farmers Market. Now I have several lovely ciabattaesque loaves at hand...
Just received a box of pomegranates from a California cousin. I adore to eat the seeds as is, and to sprinkle them on salads or desserts...
Red peppers: I have piles in the fridge. Need a tasty, easy dish (dairy free) that I serve along with chicken, couscous salad tomorrow evening...
Hi foodpickle, I have a lot green tomatoes in my garden, any good recipes out there other than fried?
Any non Asian recipe for bitter melon(Gourd) ?
Have a crock pot cook-off coming up, looking for a crowd pleasing crock pot recipe that can be preparedin and served from the crock pot?
I have a pint of awesome pulled pork from my CSA, and am trying to think of an interesting way to use it (read: not on buns with pickled cabbage...
Cornish game hen for tonight's dinner and I've never made one before... any suggestions on preparation??
Just had gum surgery and am limited to soft and cold foods for a few more days. It is a great excuse to consume lots of ice cream (yes...
Okay, Magic Pickle...anyone have any good recipes for raw cassava (yucca) root? I got some in my CSA box and am aware that if not cooked...
Q: Mistakenly mixed up about 12 oz butter & 1 cup arrow root- any suggestions in what to do w/ this now?
Any great ideas on what to do with a pork rib roast?
Does anyone have some good ideas for collard greens, other than a mess o' greens (done that) or thrown into a soup (that too!). I love them...
ICan I cooke with green cherry tomoatoes? I have had a huge crop of sungold cherry tomoatoes and now its about to snow here and I have...
@FoodPickle I want to make something for dinner involving butternut squash and eggplant. Any ideas, Iron Chef style?
I need a quick recipe for fridge pickles
What do you do with a dragon fruit? They were so pretty, I had to buy one!
I saw some fresh dates in our food co-op yesterday. They're a golden yellow color, and come attached to the stem, similar to the way fresh...
A friend is bringing me some kaffir lime leaves from her home garden. How can I best preserve them so that I don't have to use them all immediately...
Showing 161-180 of 271 results