Essential Tools
36 Recipes to Cook in Your Staub Pots & Pans
The classic French cookware can handle just about anything.
Photo by Rocky Luten

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Jane A.
April 26, 2020
I have a beautiful Staub piece of cookware I received as a gift in May of 2018. It is a shalllow 12” diameter base pan with a glass lid with brass handle. The side handles are semi-circular in shape and flush with the skillet, looking like two “ears” on the pan! I have searched the Staub website thoroughly and cannot find a pan that matches mine! It is marked Made in France 30 on the
bottom and bears the Staub logo on handles and on lid. It’s definitely authentic, weighing about 10-11 lbs. I’m perplexed as to what this particular model is meant to be used for. I’ve tried various stews, shakshuka, bacon and eggs, but the shallow nature makes it less appropriate for anything with liquids in abundance. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
bottom and bears the Staub logo on handles and on lid. It’s definitely authentic, weighing about 10-11 lbs. I’m perplexed as to what this particular model is meant to be used for. I’ve tried various stews, shakshuka, bacon and eggs, but the shallow nature makes it less appropriate for anything with liquids in abundance. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
September 28, 2021
I think this may be it - - the Multi-Use Braiser." I'm waiting for the colors I want to be back in stock, as I plan to buy one for me, and one for my son who just moved into a new apartment! ;o)
March 2, 2019
Hi, I own a 10” frying pan and every time I use it to make a frittata it sticks and is a mess to get the food out and a bigger mess to clean. From every thing I read this should not be the case. What am I doing wrong.
October 20, 2017
I live in Santa Rosa ca where we just got back into our house from fire evacuation and my staub covered fish pan arrived the next day. I'm excited to have this to look forward to but need recipes and instructions
July 27, 2017
Am I the only one who would like to see commenting available on goods available for sale thru Food52 shopping ? One of the things I love about this site is the the feedback from recipe reviews, whether good, bad, or indifferent. I've been eyeing the carbon steel pans and would appreciate how people like them. I'm in Canada, no shipping available here, so no easy way to obtain product or return.
Susie K.
May 31, 2017
The finished food makes Staub so worth the money. I have a collection and absolutely love each one.
Steven W.
February 18, 2017
really expensive...I am not sure where everyone who has these got the money for them! (Yes, I know they last forever, but so do the cast iron skillets I have had for over 40 years.)
May 25, 2017
I have many Staub pieces and granted they are expensive, I don't pay full price for them. I buy overstocks at deeply discounted prices and love every piece I have.
Ashley M.
October 3, 2016
I use my crepe pan for pancakes and frying traditional flat breads. I don't make crepes. But something very similar. I think I have the 4 qt cocotte I can't remember but I used it to make stews and soups or a big batch of yogurt. I do need to get a larger one. I use the frying pans for many beans dishes and eggs and frittata.
Diane B.
September 3, 2016
I really want to start collecting but not sure which one to start with. All the colors are so beautiful but I like the grenadine and grey when grenadine isn't available. This article has been very helpful.
Claire S.
May 9, 2016
This was quite helpful, thanks! I've been mildly regretting my oval cocotte (it was a deal, but felt awkwardly sized once I received it, and is past return date). It doesn't seem to be the most loved Staub out there, but it's nice seeing good use-cases for it!
March 3, 2016
Absolutely love the 4 qt Round cocotte I bought from Provisions last year. Perfect for hardy daily use with all kinds of Indian dishes. I use this particular pan mostly for rice, Pilafs, Khichdies.
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